On the 21st of January I will celebrate 7 years traveling.
Time to draw conclusions has come, it's time to review a series of events that in these unique and unforgettable 84 months traveling (Oh God! 84months) brought me up to here.
With a backpack, which has been lost in the meantime we do not know where in Quito, a computer and a pair of glasses with now scratched lenses, I walked slowly making a world tour that started as a race against time and which, turned out to be a walk between cultures, peoples and amazing historic and geographical sites.
In 2012, after a year traveling, I wrote a series of things that I learned during the first year of solo travels. At the time I did not know that this year would be extended until today.
Has something changed? My feelings and my way of living  the journey has undergone changes that I can retraced in my way of being?
Maybe not, maybe what I learned, because now part of my cultural background, today are part of me, but surely there is always something that you learn even when you don't want.
And so here are the things that in this journey , started in January 2011, I learned and that I will cherish forever with me.
The journey has taken a different direction than expected, the roads I've taken have little to do with what I had imagined. I met many people who have made me think, who taught me something that is worth remembering forever, who trusted me (even before myseld), those who have disappointed me, who made me fall into an abyss from which it seemed difficult to come up and also who offered a helping hand to stand again.
All lessons of life more than travel. One important lesson? We have to deal with situations with an open and friendly mind ... the rest will follow.
84 months ... thousands of people met, thousands of kilometers clocked up.
So many broken things. So many things lost. So many things earned ... those really important.
Those who are in my heart and in my mind and will keep for long time.
The memories that no one will ever steal. A way of living and experiencing my life healthier, essential and probably better.
Seven years on the roads around the world solo but never alone.
Thanks to those who I've had the pleasure to meet, thanks to those who have followed me so far, those who came to see me just to spend some time together, thanks to those who gave me the strength with email, words or comments, to continue in this adventure even when, I thought, I wasn't able to make it anymore, remembering that the value of what we do is in what our eyes see, our brain stores and processes and  our words exert.
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It's awesome to travel around the world seven years. I think you have a great life experience
I also plan to travel all around the world alone
Enjoy it!!
Cheers from Uganda!
Im good. I hope to see you soon on Discovery, BBC or something :*
That should be well documented.
Oh well....too kind :-)I think it would be easiest to meet up somewhere in Uk or Poland, wherever you are 🙂
7 years of beautiful memories forever. So much knoweldge and experience. Amazing traveller.
Thank you Lukasz!! Hope you are well!!