Ferry to Cozumel from Playa del Carmen

Opposite to Playa del Carmen is located Isla Cozumel, a beautiful island where you can snorkel or dive exploring the depths of the Riviera Maya, one of the most beautiful with the beaches of Jamaica and Cuba.

Typically those who go to Cozumel do it for a single day without spending a night there, just a few decide to stay overnight but this does not mean that it's not worth it.
Regardless of whether you want to stay in Cozumel or not to get you have to take a ferry from Playa del Carmen.
The ferry pier is located on Calle 1 Sur junction with the 5 Avenue.

The ferry companies that daily sail to Isla Cozumel are:

Ultramar Ferry
Mexico Water Jets

Regardless the company you take the prices are the same and so the comfort and speed. No matter what company you choose, a round-trip ticket costs 310 pesos, about 18€.

All ferries have a bar and television although not always on!
Ferry schedules change all the time for this reason it would be always better to check the internet times and see if there have been changes. The best option is to go directly to the dock and buy a ticket for the first ferry available, approximately there are ferries every two hours, more frequent ferries across Mexico Waterjet. The last from Cozumel is at 7 pm.

In Playa del Carmen tickets you can buy in any store on 5th Avenue but it's good to know that these boats are rarely all full (except early in the morning because all workers of Cozumel living in Playa go to work) then actually you can directly submit and buy a ticket just before boarding.

Aggiornato il: 9 Dicembre 2020
Scritto da: Giulia Raciti
Categorie ,

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Scritto da Giulia Raciti

Esperta di Africa e Latino America sono in viaggio dal 2011. Attualmente a bordo di un van. Ho fatto un giro del mondo in solitaria durato 3 anni. Scrivo delle destinazioni che visito. Mi occupo di realizzazione viaggi personalizzati e su misura in Africa e Sud America sul sito dedicato Kipepeo Experience.

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